Get to Know us
In the Beginning:
Lifecare Homes, Inc. was started in 1994 by Rosanne and Dan Hoecherl, whoalready had many years experience in caring for the disabled and the elderly.
Dan is a Registered Nurse and had 10 years experience in Intensive Care Units,
specializing in cardiovascular nursing. During the next 10 years, while working
for home care companies, he came in contact with Community Based Residential
Facilities (group homes).
The Vision:
With the vision of their disabled daughter possibly needing such a home in the
future, they decided to start their own group homes where they would be proud to
have their daughter live.
Where we're going:
In 1996 they started Independent Lifestyles, Inc. and Golden Care, Inc.. They now
have 11 CBRF’s for disabled and elderly. They have 8 homes with 8 residents in
each, 1 home with 12 residents and finally 2 homes with 18 residents in each.